Friday, February 28, 2014

I'm Getting So MAD!

A wise person once told me that "To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done". As I took this month to reevaluate my life, my choices and my food addiction, I realized how true this statement was. I will never achieve the success I want to achieve by staying exactly the same. It may be difficult and uncomfortable, but real growth comes from action and more specifically, amazing growth comes from drastic action.

With that said, I ready to get MAD! I am holding onto my February Promise and taking a drastic step into a month full of action. Starting tomorrow, March 1st, I will enter into a 30-Day March MADness Challenge. The entire will be month will be dedicated to having a new mindset and following a new eating and exercise plan.

Every day I will:
1. Post a photo collage of my healthy meals
2. Complete and post my experience after a fun 1 hour workout
Of course Zumba will definitely be a part of the mix, but there are so many other exciting workouts and talented instructors out there that I want to support, so I am looking forward to trying something new! My goal is to complete a full 30-days of healthier eating and living.

*TRANSPARENCY ALERT* I am really nervous about doing this challenge because a lot of pressure comes from publicly putting yourself out there and asking others to hold you accountable. I am fearful of quitting, losing and making a fool of myself. More than that, there is a little twinge of insecurity that tries to rise up in me and tell me I don't have what it takes. But even with ALL of that fear and anxiety….I am still moving forward. I may have some bumps in the road, but I would rather deal with that then not being on the road at all. I am confident that eventually that road will lead me to the changes I have been desperately seeking. 

If this post inspires you in the least bit or if you're daring enough to join this MAD challenge with me, then feel free to leave me a note below. Your support, accountability and encouragement will definitely get me through these next 30-days.

Be a part of the challenge by liking my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages and post your progress using the hastags: #FitBodyByAshley and #MarchMadnessChallenge.

Whether you're many miles into your fitness journey or if you're just starting, remember that you are powerful beyond measure and you can achieve anything you put your mind, heart and body to. Don't listen to anyone who says you can't make it; even if that person is YOU. Take the next step to success by doing something you've never done and I'm sure your outcome will be unbelievably beautiful.

Enjoy this last, rainy, yet beautiful day in February and tomorrow, Let The Hunger Games Begin!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Going Back in Time

So….I had a bad relapse this past week. Things got really messy, dirty and greasy. It was a strange, almost uncontrollable feeling that came over me and once I started eating junk food, I couldn't stop. And while I will admit that I enjoyed every delicious bite, I paid a high price for it this week. I felt so sluggish, gassy, queasy and more importantly, I was not my energetic self during my Zumba classes. I once again came to that inevitable realization that junk food is not my friend and it brings so many disastrous consequences.

With that said, I am back to square one! Starting at the beginning of March, I am following a 30-day clean eating challenge. In addition, I am definitely stepping up my workout game too. All of March I will be posting a wide array of fun workout ideas, suggestions, videos and local classes that I will try. Of course, I will be sure to open up the challenge to anyone who is interested, so be sure to sign-up for my monthly newsletter to stay updated on the challenge details. 

 Newsletter Sign-up:

To be honest, I am super excited about this March challenge. This is a perfect opportunity for me redeem myself and develop a stronger will power against the junk food bug. I hope you are able to get inspired and join this journey with me. I'd love to be a part of you reaching your health and fitness goals as well!

But before we get into March, we still have one more week of February left (boy, time flies!) and I am so excited to be heading back to my old high school to teach a Zumba class for their annual fundraiser. I will be getting jiggly with it tomorrow at 9am at the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES) for the Black Parent Organization Pancake Fundraiser. I haven't been back to my high school in years, so it will be great to visit former teachers, students and more importantly, give back to the school that helped to grow and mature me into the woman I am today!

If you can make it, I would love to party with you. Admission is FREE and there will be other fitness classes offered as well. This will definitely be a nice blast from the past and I can't wait to share my experience. Pictures, videos, and stories to come so have a restful weekend and remember…you can do ANYTHING you put your mind and actions to.  

Hugs and kisses my Zum-buddies!